
- Documentation



Linked Elements

  • Coming Soon
  • Overview
  • Display
  • Inputs
  • Interactions
  • Utilities
  • Formatting
  • Layout
  • Editor

Linked Elements - Overview

By making us of our data binding library, we've created a suite of UI Elements that come with data binding built in. These elements will give you a running start to build both your game and editor UIs. They are divided into the following categories.

Display - Various ways to display your game data, such as progress bars and toolitps.

Inputs - Ways to let the user modify data, such as text fields and sliders.

Interactions - Elements that the user will interact with, such as buttons and drag and drop.

Utilities - Some helpers that let you organize your UI better.

Formatting - These are pre-formatted blocks, such as headings, code blocks, and paragraphs. Mostly useful for editor UI.

Layout - Pre-styled elements for page layout, such as rows and columns.

Editor - Editor only elements that span all of the above. There are editor specific input, display, and interaction elements.


First of all, make sure you grab the MEC dependency from the unity asset store here and add that to your Unity solution.

Then you can grab this package from the Unity asset store [Coming Soon!]


More Effective Coroutines (MEC) - FREE

Some of the elements use our Wait! package. While Wait! itself is bundled in this release, you must get it's dependency, MEC, yourself.